
Hi, I'm David!

welcome to my blog!
i'm the official travel kitty for the freethinkers street team.

so many neat places to see, wacky things to do & interesting people to meet. check back to see what I've been up to; rumor has it there are very interesting things in store for little me... oh boy!!

my not so humble beginnings:

before hooking up with my pals, i took a bite out of the big apple!
that's me in front of the marquee at the old ed sullivan theatre.
(See how we match, me & the marquee?)
ANOTHER cat named david hangs around inside...
maybe someday I'll go back & meet THE BIG GUY.

i poked my head into
hello deli next door...
rupert was so excited!

he stopped making
sandwiches long enough
to pose with me...
obviously a treasured moment
for us both.

the nice gal who took these 2 pics is lisa, The Temporal Millionaire on etsy.

she makes kitties who roam the world, part of an interactive art project called
Travel Kitty. wherever you ramble, keep your eyes peeled... you never know when you're gonna meet up with a travel kitty. if you're really lucky, it'll be ME!

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